Friday, June 12, 2009

The Tonight Show with Jay Leno

When we knew we were going to LA, one of the things we really wanted to do was to watch a recording of a TV show, such as Wheel of Fortune or Jeopardy. Unfortunately, the tickets were already gone, waaaaay in advance. So we browsed around, and realised that we could still ask for tickets to the Tonight Show with Jay Leno! It was pretty straightforward -- Just mail in a self addressed envelope and tell them three dates which you can make it for the show, and they will send the tickets back. This is supposed to be done six weeks in advance. We didn't, but we still got the tickets anyway (thankfully!)

Cameras were not allowed in the studio. (So sorry guys, no photos of Jay Leno.) In fact, before entering the studio, we had to clear what was dubbed as "airport-style security", complete with metal detectors. Also, they gave out more tickets than there were seats. We were one of the last people in. The rest behind us had to go home. Another lucky break for us.

SS and I were seated separately, coz there were only a few seats left. Our view was slightly blocked -- we couldn't see the Kevin Eubanks and the band very well. Before the show starts, John Melendez warms up the audience and Jay Leno allows fans to ask questions and go onto the stage to take photos with him. Off the screen, Jay Leno comes across as a very down-to-earth person (still dressed in jeans before the show starts). He also semi-seriously asked the audience to "remember to laugh and clap during the monologue", to our amusement.

The show started off with the monologue, followed by "Headlines". The guest stars for that day were Russll Brand and Elizabeth Banks. I had no idea who Russell Brand was, but when he appeared, I remembered seeing him on TV before. Flambouyant, witty and speaking with a British accent, I was beginning to understand the reasons behind his rising popularity in the US. He was here to promote his memoir, "My Booky Wook", which I am sure many members of the audience will go and buy after the show because he was just so charming. I am just going to borrow it from the library, even though I admit I am now a fan of his. Elizabeth Banks was quite animated, but the funniest part of her interview was when she bantered and quibbled with Brand.

The show lasted an hour. We found out that during the commercial breaks, the audience will be entertained by the band, so to us it seemed like a non-stop show for the whole sixty minutes. We were glad that we managed to catch Jay Leno before he leaves the Tonight Show to do his own show.

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