Friday, August 7, 2009

Blueberry Picking!

By right, the blueberry picking season should have been over by the time I returned to the US. But as luck will have it, the weather this summer has allowed the berries to stay on their bushes longer than expected! Hooray!

Off we went to Prelock Blueberry Farm!

The farm is open as early as 7am, but we were there around 10am. It was getting a little sunny and hot, but still bearable.

We were given a bucket each to collect the berries. We can eat as much as we want in the farm, but anything that is taken out of the farm will be charged at $2.19 per pound.

Our buckets! Still empty...

Mr Huang picked the yellow bucket, true to his name.

Still a lot of berries left on the bushes to pick!

In fact, some of them are still in the ripening stage. The small tiny ones still look a bit like flowers.

SS using his height advantage to reach the berries that the vertically-challenged (i.e. me) will have problems picking.

We are done! After about an hour of picking. And eating.

We brought our buckets to the weighing station (the colourful umbrella) and paid for our pickings.
Our blueberries! SS picked more than me, coz he was really quite serious about picking, while I was munching away all the time, and staring at bugs that I have never seen before.

Golden-green bug feeding on blueberries -- blame the bug for distracting me from my task-at-hand.

Hmmm... to eat or not to eat...


Pinnacle Alliance FC said...

Wow...Freshly picked blueberries! Looks real delicious! Tink I'd be distracted by the creepy-crawlies too, in case I picked them instead...and I tink eating on-the-spot is more gratifying than bringing them home;) Btw, you two make good spokespeople for Transitions lenses la.

Dawn said...

Blueberries! I'm so envious. Haha about the bugs!

ring-a-ding-a-ling said...

woooo looks yummmy, blueberry muffins-time! =)

~munyee~ said...

hehehe... yeah we finished the blueberries already. Made a zucchini blueberry bread (I didn't even know zucchini can be used in baking...), fat-free blueberry muffins, and just ate the rest up as a snack... they were so sweet and yummy! Oh and they turn poo a little blue, in case you gals wanted to know.

ring-a-ding-a-ling said...

too much information

~munyee~ said...

teehee... :)