Tuesday, August 18, 2009

I am torn...

I took up all these activities to keep myself occupied for the past two years, and now that school is starting, I am having difficulty putting them down...

Still have plenty of unglazed pots, which are taking up an entire shelf in the pottery studio. I fear that if I don't take up pottery class this semester, I will lose momentum and end up throwing away all those pots. (Insert glass-breaking sound to simulate my heart breaking...)

Am taking up more piano kiddos, even though I told myself I am not going to. But the kids are so cute! Twin Chinese boys! To tell them apart, I was told, look for a small tuft of golden hair on the older brother's head... Erm, okay. I will try... Not sure whether to laugh or cry when they called me Huang lao3 shi1...


Dawn gave my Dad some tomato and cucumber seedlings about a month back. And just a few days ago, I received an email from Dad with a really close-up photo of a yellow flower. The tomato plant has flowered! Mum and Dad are both pretty excited, and asked me if this is a male or female flower, and how to pollinate them. I had to refer to an expert (i.e. Dawn) for the answers. Basically, the tomato flower has both male and female parts, so the pollen does not have to travel very far to reach the stamen. Hence a little flick should do the trick.

I have just been updated that another flower has withered and died. I expect to get such daily updates about the plants now.

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